A Wild Idea

I don’t know about you, but I’m naturally a person who craves control. I actually like feeling responsible for people and tasks. I think that as long as a task or assignment stays in my hands, I have the power to do something about it. This is one of the reasons I have struggled with delegation at times. How about you? Does delegation come naturally to you or is it difficult for you to give some of your work away to others?

Here’s a wild idea to consider:

Though God has all control and does everything perfectly, He finds great joy in giving us assignments to carry out in this world. 

Knowing God prepared good works in advance for you to do (see Ephesians 2:10), what should you be doing with His assignments for you?

  1. Become familiar with what God cares about in the world. If God wants you to do some of His work, it seems like a good idea to find out the kinds of things that He cares about and wants done in the world. Seek out some of these things: What does He want to make different? What desires does God have for my city, our country, and this world? What are God’s values and priorities?

  2. Discover who God has made you to be and what He’s created you to do. Don’t become self-obsessed, but do become self-aware. What kind of work do you feel yourself drawn to? What excites you or even makes you sad? These kinds of questions can send you on a quest to see what God might want you to do in some area.

  3. Preorder Bring It Out and share it with everyone you know. I promise I’m not writing this in some self-serving way. I genuinely believe this book will shape the life of everyone who reads it. You will gain greater clarity about how to align your life with God’s assignments for you. You will also understand how to overcome the obstacles that stand between where you are today and where you long to be someday. I’m fully confident you’ll walk away understanding more of what God has put into you and you’ll have a playbook for how to start carrying out your assignments.

I can’t believe Bring It Out comes out in less than a week. I’d love for you to preorder it and spread the word to as many people as possible. Here’s the link where you can get your copy: Bring It Out by Ben Pilgreen.

Much Love,


The Concept Resonating Most


What’s Your Why?