Bringing Your Unique Self

Do you ever find yourself apologizing that you aren’t more like someone else or feeling guilty about the gifts you do not possess? It’s easy to judge ourselves, especially when we’re around people who have skills and competencies that we lack. 

What might happen if we learn how to celebrate others instead of feeling like we should be more like them?

You are a unique creation and the rest of us need you to bring out who you were uniquely created to be and what you were uniquely created to do. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I don’t think that’s true. Trying to be just like someone else will cause us to forfeit the life that’s been personally designed for us. 

4 Ways to Help You Bring Your Unique Self to this World

  1. What comes easier to you than it does to most people? When something comes easy to us, we initially assume it comes easy to everyone. Over time, though, you begin to realize that your “superpower” is rarer than you thought. For some of you, managing money is super easy. For others, it’s knowing how to market things well. Over the years I have realized that one of my unique gifts is the ability to assess situations and make quick decisions that immediately move things forward.

  2. Ask 4-6 people who know you well to tell you what your “superpowers” are. When I did this exercise, I was amazed at the feedback I received. It brought great clarity to me on my unique abilities. It feels a little awkward to ask people close to you this question, but they’ll be glad for the clarity they can help bring to your life.

  3. If you could only do 2-3 things within your current job, which things would you never give up doing? I’m assuming that like me, you have so many different things you do within your work. However, this question will help you realize what you’re passionate about doing and where the best place is in your organization to invest your time, energy, and gifts. If I personally could only do 3 things at Epic Church, here’s what I would choose: 1)Casting vision 2)Teaching 3)Leading and Developing our Staff Team.

  4. Finish this sentence - I don’t know everything God has put me on this earth to do, but I’m confident He created me to _________________. We will spend the rest of our lives figuring out all that God wants us to do in the world. And at the same time, I bet you know for sure what some of those things are already. For me, I know that leadership, teaching, and coaching are going to be part of my calling for a long time. These vocations fit the way God has uniquely designed me. What would your things be?

I hope this content has made you really interested to dive deeper on this topic. Well I’ve got good news for you! Bring It Out goes way more in depth on how you can know what you’ve been uniquely created to do. Let me encourage you to get the book and start narrowing in on the life you’ve been created for.

Go be your UNIQUE self!


Working ON It Versus Working IN It


Frozen By So Many Options